Happy New Month Queens! Can you believe we’re already in the last month of the year? WOW where did all the time go? These are some questions I’ve been asking myself, and I know you probably have to.

At the end of every year, it is commonplace for most people to start making action plans for the new year. Outlining the blueprint for their New Year’s resolutions, 3-month plans, 5-year plans, etc.

But I realize that often times, we may tend to spend more time creating perfect plans, than actually executing them. We want things to be perfect all the time. Kind of like this overly photoshopped photo of me. Unfortunately in our quest for perfection, we end up killing our dreams.

I know I’m guilty of this sometimes. Maybe it’s because I’m a publicist by profession, so I spend a lot of time creating communications strategies for clients and making sure they are all perfectly executed.

In my personal life however; an important lesson I’ve learned this year is that you don’t have to wait till conditions are perfect before you take the next step. It’s okay to have a plan, but if your self-worth is attached to the perfect outcome of that plan, then it becomes a problem.

For instance, I’m sure you guys may have noticed that here at QM, we haven’t published new posts in over a month. Well, it’s because I had certain expectations for this website that weren’t being manifested according to my plan, due to a few unplanned setbacks. So unconsciously, I kept saying “Ok when A comes through, and B comes through, and C clicks, we can roll out our new plan blah blah.” I was self-sabotaging this project. Standing in the way of progress, and I didn’t even know it. Till one random day I just had this epiphany. Like “girl, what are you doing?”.

So in a nutshell, just go with the flow! Sometimes the next step you should take may not be immediately apparent when things don’t go according to plan. But that’s okay. Just put one foot in front of the other and eventually, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to – whether or not it’s a part of your plan.

Psalm 119:105 is a word I hold dear as I navigate this journey through life: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

My prayer is that God’s plan overrides my plan. And I pray the same for you.

Cheers to an amazing December.


  1. Wow beautiful article and I agree with every word. It is just refreshing to hear a different point of view other than your own. God bless you.

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