Skin lightening – Queen moremi Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:25:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 From Addiction to Skin Lightening to Embracing Her Natural Complexion: Makeup Artist Tenny Coco is Such an Inspiration Mon, 11 May 2020 01:00:04 +0000 In a world where we are constantly bombarded with both explicit and implicit messages that “lighter is better,” it is truly refreshing to increasingly see dark-skinned women of colour embracing…]]> In a world where we are constantly bombarded with both explicit and implicit messages that “lighter is better,” it is truly refreshing to increasingly see dark-skinned women of colour embracing their natural skin tone.

One of such women is popular makeup artist, Teniola Aisha Kashaam, known popularly as Tenny Coco. 

In a recent Instagram post, she revealed how her obsession with skin lightening began at the age of 19, and how finally at the age of 25, while reflecting on her life during her birthday period, she had an epiphany, and resolved to stop lightening her skin.

She said:

“My Road to Melanin:At the age of 19, I started lightening my skin….. By the time I was 20, I had become a heavy Skin bleacher… at the time it felt almost normal, I felt like I looked more attractive….. it became an addiction, I just couldn’t stop. I craved so much to be lighter.. I felt being black wasn’t beautiful enough. What a stupid way to have thought… I guess the society we live in played a little role in my decision to bleach my skin… coupled with being very Naive at that age. It’s widely perceived that the lighter you are, the more beautiful you look. To be honest I always knew it was a bad thing… I mean, I had seen loads of people with ridiculously damaged skin courtesy the effects of bleaching but I was just so deep into it… like I said it’s actually an addiction. 

As my 25th birthday started approaching I started to do a lot of Soul searching, a lot of self evaluation… concerning every area of my life and I finally started to see the light… to see how crazy I had been all these years… how crazy it was for me to have believed that my black skin wasn’t beautiful, to have allowed myself to feel inadequate or to try and tell God ‘ how you created me isn’t good enough’ what a silly, crazy way to have lived. Today I’m more than grateful that I finally saw the light. Black is beautiful! So beautiful! Never have I ever felt as beautiful and as at peace with my skin tone as I do now… Please Love your skin/Yourself the way God has made you…. you are beautiful, you are enough.

Time will always tell… imagine how I would look 10-15 years from now if I had continued to bleach my skin. Please don’t do it… I did it and I Had/ have so much Regret… it’s not worth it. You are beautiful just as you are.  I get a lot of messages asking me, how I was able to transition my skin back… I will be sharing all the tips soon enough.  Thank you to everyone who helped me get through this…… the Amount of support.” 

We are definitely loving the glow up! We appreciate the fact that she has been so open about her journey, and we’re sure lots of women who lighten their skin will be inspired by her story.

Embrace your skin tone ladies, whatever complexion you may be. Xx

Photo Credit: Tenny Coco

Pregnant Women in Ghana take Bleaching Pills to Lighten their Babies’ Skin Thu, 01 Mar 2018 12:35:15 +0000 This news report is quite chilling as once again, it is a stark reminder of the dire importance to highlight colorism as a real social ill and why it needs…]]> This news report is quite chilling as once again, it is a stark reminder of the dire importance to highlight colorism as a real social ill and why it needs to be curtailed.

According to the BBC women in Ghana have been warned against participating in a growing trend in the country – taking pills during pregnancy to lighten the skin of their unborn babies while they are still in the womb. Medical experts say these illegal drugs can cause birth defects, including damage to limbs and internal organs.

Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) says using Glutathione pills for this purpose is dangerous, adding it wants “the general public to know that no product has been approved by the FDA in the form of a tablet to lighten the skin of the unborn child”.

Despite strict warnings by authorities, the practice is still growing in Ghana.

This brings us back to the issue of colorism in Africa. The idea that you are most beautiful when fairer toned is very damaging. These mothers believe that they will give their children a better life if they are lighter skinned as society will be more willing to accept them and give them more opportunities to excel in life.

In many African countries, most men will happily gloat about their preference for light-skinned women as they find them more physically attractive. In search of a spouse or even a partner, many women have turned to lightening their skin in order to look more desirable to potential suitors. The fact that women are going as far as potentially harming their unborn offspring due to this trend, is a great cause for concern and reminds us that now more than ever, our women need to be made to understand the importance self-love. In fact, there is need for more conversations about this in Africa.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock
