Engaged – Queen moremi https://queenmoremi.com Tue, 28 Aug 2018 05:55:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 How to Find a Good Husband: Part 2 https://queenmoremi.com/2018/08/how-to-find-a-good-husband-part-2/ Sun, 12 Aug 2018 13:50:45 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=3134 A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about How to Find a Good Husband. In case you missed my disclaimer before, here it is again (because I know…]]> A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about How to Find a Good Husband.

In case you missed my disclaimer before, here it is again (because I know some of y’all don’t read haha):

So, before you roll eyes, hold up! This isn’t yet another trite article written by a Nigerian married woman who thinks her “Mrs” title gives her the audacity to advise unmarried women about how to snag a lifetime bae. Although I’ve known my husband for about 5 years, I’ve only been married for a couple of months. I’m in no way, shape, or form, a relationship/marriage expert. I can only talk about things from my OWN perspective. You may or may not agree with my views (and that’s okay!).

Here are some additional tips for finding Mr. Right:

Put God first

The mere fact that you love someone doesn’t necessarily mean you should marry them. Put God first. Pray about the person and ask God if he is truly the person you are meant to be with for a lifetime. From my experience, you will get the answer to this question in unique ways. God may blatanly give you an answer  via dreams and visions. Or you may suddenly find yourself in a particular situation with your partner, and judging by the way you both react it, the answer will become clear. The answer may also come seemingly serendipitously while you are interacting with other people in your everyday life.

Don’t compare Your Man with Your Friend’s Man

You never know what’s going on behind closed doors in anyone’s relationship. So don’t go comparing your partner with anyone else’s. For instance, let’s say your partner is very materially wealthy. He pays all your bills, gives you a monthly allowance, and takes you on shopping trips around the world. But then you have a friend whose partner isn’t as wealthy as yours and perhaps they split all their bills 50-50, but it appears that what he lacks in finances, he makes up for with touching acts of love and heartfelt displays of affection – a quality you may feel like your own partner doesn’t have as much of. Then you start to feel envious because you want more of what you friend’s partner has. Don’t do that! Be content with what what you have. Longing for what someone else has ultimately leads to feelings of discontent, which may prevent you from missing out on the fact that your own partner may just be husband material.

Don’t look to marriage as a source of a completion

Some women feel incomplete because society says that at a certain age, they are supposed to have gotten married. Despite having a good career and being an amazing human being, women are made to feel incomplete if they aren’t married and I just can’t wrap my head around why people think this way. It is utter rubbish. Girl, live your life! Whenever marriage happens it will happen. You are complete, whole, and beautiful right here, and right now.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime


Stay tuned for part 3!

In the meantime, please share your thoughts in the comments section below on additional tips on How to Find a Good Husband…

See How Nigerian Women are Reacting to Linda Ikeji’s Engagement News https://queenmoremi.com/2018/03/see-how-nigerian-women-are-reacting-to-linda-ikejis-engagement-news/ Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:45:50 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=831 When one of Nigeria’s most eligible spinsters gets engaged, you know the Internet is gonna go crazy right? Popular blogger, Linda Ikeji, is about to be a married woman, according…]]> When one of Nigeria’s most eligible spinsters gets engaged, you know the Internet is gonna go crazy right?

Popular blogger, Linda Ikeji, is about to be a married woman, according to news on several websites. Linda has neither confirmed nor denied the reports, but looks like her sisters have done so on her behalf.

Laura and Sandra Ikeji both took to Instagram to pen cryptic congratulatory messages to their sis. 

Over the years, Linda has been pretty open about needing a man in her life and hoping to find a good husband. And so it’s no surprise that ever since the news hit the web, Nigerian ladies all over the social media have been sharing their thoughts on the topic.

Rumour has it that Linda is marrying one of her ex boyfriends. Ain’t nothing wrong with that! Happiness is all that matters.
