Coco Anetor Sokei – Queen moremi Wed, 13 Jun 2018 17:54:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Celebrating Albinism Awareness Day: “I am Seen, I am Heard, I Matter” Wed, 13 Jun 2018 17:54:32 +0000 Today is Albinism Awareness Day. Albinism is still largely misunderstood, socially and medically. It is caused by a total or reduced absence of melanin – and as you know –…]]> Today is Albinism Awareness Day.

Albinism is still largely misunderstood, socially and medically. It is caused by a total or reduced absence of melanin – and as you know –  melanin is responsible for the colour of our skin.  In many countries especially in Africa, there are several beliefs and myths attached to this condition, which constantly puts the lives of those living with albinism at risk. In fact, this year, there is a #Notghosts hashtag that has been trending on social media, as one of several myths attached to albinism is that those born with it are ghosts. Hence, the need for albinism awareness and a need to dispel such notions heavily influenced by superstitions.

As the world celebrates Albinism Awareness Day, let us not merely view the beautiful photos and hit ‘like’ because they’ve been artistically done and appear ‘beautiful’ in photos but let us make it a point to be part of the  population that shares a great disdain for the stigmatisation of anyone based on any physical prejudice: In this instance, albinism.

In the words of Nigeria-based writer and content creator, Coco Anetor Sokei:

“I am seen, I am heard, I matter”.

Albinos matter!

See some trending photos and captions shared by albinos all over the world comemorating this special day.

Photo Credit: Instagram |
