Cece Olisa – Queen moremi https://queenmoremi.com Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:31:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 From Size 28 to Size 18! Cece Olisa Proves Body Positivity & Healthy Living can be Mutually Exclusive https://queenmoremi.com/2020/04/from-size-28-to-size-18-cece-olisa-proves-body-positivity-healthy-living-can-be-mutually-exclusive/ Mon, 13 Apr 2020 18:13:59 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=3739 Popular plus-size body positivity advocate and lifestyle influencer, Cece Olisa, is admired by her followers for being authentic and keeping it 100. Conversations centered around weight loss in the plus-size body…]]> Popular plus-size body positivity advocate and lifestyle influencer, Cece Olisa, is admired by her followers for being authentic and keeping it 100.

Conversations centered around weight loss in the plus-size body positivity community can be a bit tricky – especially when you are considered one of “the” spokespersons for the movement. The idea of being confident about one’s body, yet losing weight is a precarious state to be in – kind of like attempting to walk across a 100 foot tightrope that is millions of miles away from the ground – only in this case, you’ve got to be sure of your next move because a misstep could leave you crashing down to earth into a crowd of angry spectators just waiting to tear you apart.

Cece is currently on this figurative tightrope. But she has handled the situation with such honesty, grace, and class, and we love it!

Via a Youtube vlog, Cece recently revealed that she went from a US size 28 to a size 18 over a 2-year period. She revealed so many aspects of her personal struggle including:

  • How she needed to lose weight during the course of battling major health issues
  • Sometimes hiding behind the umbrella of “body positivity” in the past, when she clearly knew she should have been making healthier decisions food-wise
  • Overcoming emotional eating
  • Being apprehensive about talking about her weight loss due to feared backlash from the body positivity community

and more! Y’all need to watch the video to get the whole scoop.

The moral of the story: You can practice body positivity and still consciously make efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Afterall, the ultimate goal of body positivity is to love your body. And part of loving your body is making decisions that enable it to function well by making healthier nutrition decisions, engaging in physical activity, and doing whatever it takes to achieve wellness.

Photo Credit: Cece Olisa
