Buttne – Queen moremi https://queenmoremi.com Tue, 16 Jun 2020 05:55:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Banish Butt Acne with these Easy Tips https://queenmoremi.com/2020/06/banish-butt-acne-with-these-easy-tips/ Sat, 13 Jun 2020 20:31:37 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=3274 Have you ever caught yourself staring at the mirror trying to fit into your jeans and just as you keep staring at it, it stares right back at you. Arrgghh!…]]> Have you ever caught yourself staring at the mirror trying to fit into your jeans and just as you keep staring at it, it stares right back at you. Arrgghh! The dreaded ugly butt acne (a.k.a buttne). This common skin problem called “folliculitis,” is formed due to clogged hair follicles rather than clogged pores as commonly thought.

A lot of women suffer from the embarrassing spot(s) on their behinds- and if you are one of the few that don’t, lucky you!

So, what causes pimples to flare-up on your tush?

Folliculitis is often caused by bacteria. Sometimes, it may be fungal or yeast-related, or from irritants like dust, and chemicals around the hair follicle area. Factors that could trigger butt acne are: Bad hygiene, sweat, and tight-fitting clothes.

How to avoid the booty breakouts
The best way to avoid the bum breakout is to maintain good hygiene and shower regularly. Also, since it can be caused by friction, you should consider wearing loose-fitting clothes made out of breathable fabrics, especially when you’re sleeping. After working out, change out of your workout clothes and shower immediately.
The common mistake people often make when trying to get rid of bum acne is to over- scrub and over-exfoliate.

Most ladies think that using body scrubs and loofahs help get rid of acne, but in reality, it’s just worsening the inflammation. This can then lead to potential scarring and hyper pigmentation.

Lifestyle changes to banish ’Buttne’
1. Instead of going crazy on body scrubs, you should use body cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide, as this helps keep pesky causing bacteria at bay. That’s not to say exfoliating your buttocks is all wrong, just consider using more gentle exfoliants, like salicylic acid or glycolic acid to break down dead skin cells and remove buildup.

2. Wear clean workout clothes to the gym, shower and change immediately after working out

3. Drink more water to help flush out toxins from your body

4. If you are prone to butt acne or have a sensitive skin, consider switching to hypo-allergenic body products and detergents that don’t have harsh chemicals or fragrances

5. As tempting as it may be, DON’T pop the pimples! This can make them more inflamed and possibly spread the infection.

The general rule of thumb if you are prone to sweating is to keep your bum clean and properly moisturized.  However, if your butt acne is caused by a fungus, you’re better off seeking treatment from a dermatologist.

Photo Credit: Nemanja Glumac
