20s – Queen moremi https://queenmoremi.com Wed, 13 Mar 2019 05:39:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 5 Things Every Woman Should Know in Her 20s https://queenmoremi.com/2019/03/5-things-every-woman-should-know-in-her-20s/ Tue, 12 Mar 2019 05:19:29 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=4147 The earlier we understand some basic facts about life the better for us. Think about it, when did you celebrate your previous birthday? Another birthday is here again or has…]]> The earlier we understand some basic facts about life the better for us. Think about it, when did you celebrate your previous birthday? Another birthday is here again or has probably passed and you are looking forward to celebrating another one.

Time waits for no one, you have to decide your future now.

I just had this epiphany and had to share with you guys. Here are 5 important things you should know in your 20s:

Know yourself
You might ask me, what’s there to know about myself – right? Well my dear, I’m still getting to know myself, it is a gradual process. Know who you are. What you stand for, your values, your temperament, your hobbies, and skills, then define who YOU are. 

It’s important to know who you are, and clearly articulate that to yourself, and stand proudly and confident in your individuality. If you do not do this, then chances are, you will let the world define who you are, which could lead to self-esteem issues.

If I give you a piece of paper, for instance, to write in one sentence about yourself, what would you write? Who would you say you are? Know yourself! 

Learn a skill
Don’t limit yourself to your formal education. Learn a skill and become a master at it. Practice makes perfect. Once you are confident in said skill, then find ways to monetize it. Secure that bag girl!

Avoid meaningless relationships
Any relationship that will not add value to your life, just cut it off. Whether it’s romantic relationships, friendships, or certain overly toxic family members. Don’t waste your precious time on people who have clearly shown that they are bound to sabotage your future in one way or another. 

Don’t be a people pleaser
No matter how nice you are, there will always be people who will not like you, and that is not your business. If you want to grow in life, you can’t continue to please everybody. 

Stay true to yourself
It’s okay to admire others but let it end there, don’t start imitating their lifestyle or wanting to be like them. Every woman is unique in her own way. Going back to my first point: Know yourself! List all the good things you like about yourself and start loving them.

Staying true to oneself can be difficult especially as most women in this era try so hard to follow the trend and impress the world. But take this from me:

  • You won’t die if your make up is not on fleek.

  • You can slay without wearing designers outfits.

  • Your hair will still look beautiful whether it’s natural or relaxed

  • If you don’t have the latest phone, it doesn’t make you less of a human being

Staying true to yourself means accepting who you are, living within your means and becoming the person version of yourself.

Can I get an Amen?

Photo Credit: thetruemetalmaniac
