2020 – Queen moremi https://queenmoremi.com Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:12:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Y’all Started Smashing Your New Year Goals or Nah?… https://queenmoremi.com/2020/01/yall-started-smashing-your-new-year-goals-or-nah/ Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:28:03 +0000 http://queenmoremi.com/?p=5016 Hey Queens, it’s a new year again and I know a lot of you walked into 2020 all pumped up and ready to go. If you  didn’t, then girl you…]]> Hey Queens, it’s a new year again and I know a lot of you walked into 2020 all pumped up and ready to go. If you  didn’t, then girl you need to check that attitude right now. This is our year to win, and win we shall! So I’ve personally never been a fan of the whole New Year, new me spiel. I don’t think a person stops being who they are just because it’s a new year. Growth and development come from hard work, dedication, and discipline not from a change in date.

Don’t get me wrong it is very important to set goals for the year and have a plan for personal development. You, however, won’t be achieving those dreams if you’re not ready to put in the work. Set your goals and work on them, be intentional with all that you do. That’s the best way to achieve all your vision 2020 goals.

January is almost over and I was just going through my list of achievements for the month a few days ago and they honestly didn’t seem like much. It made me a little sad and really anxious. I almost drove myself crazy with worry lol, but then I realized one day, where is my faith? All my plans hinged on me doing this and achieving that so that my goals could be accomplished. I didn’t leave any room for God to intervene. Even when it became obvious that I was not going to get everything done myself I still didn’t want to accept help from him. It’s weird how we sometimes push God out of our plans forgetting that he’s all-knowing and all-seeing. If I hadn’t hit these roadblocks I probably wouldn’t have realized that I was walking this path alone when I should have asked for help from the all-powerful God I had in my corner.

Note to self Queens, this year is going to be amazing for us; we are going to smash our goals and win. We are going to work hard and watch God settle things for us. We are not going to let fear and anxieties get the best of us. Instead, we are going to let God perfect all our doings.

So you didn’t meet your “resolution targets” in January, so what? Girl,  drink some water, breathe, have faith and get ready to do better in February. Looking back at mistakes keeps you from going forward; you just keep stumbling along the way. This may sound a bit cliche sis, but let go and let God. That’s the only way to get true fulfillment and success this year.

Let me reiterate this, cuz I feel it can’t be stressed enough: This is our year of breathing, drinking, enough water, keeping the faith and winning. Make this your mantra ladies and you’ll be fine. When life and challenges try to bring you down, just let that mantra keep ringing in your head and watch things work together for your good.

Photo Credit: FreePiks.Net
