Ada – Queen moremi Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:30:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Treat Your Vagina Like a Queen Wed, 11 Mar 2020 04:59:32 +0000 Listen, girl. You’ve got to treat that vagina like it’s a queen. Take special care of it to make sure it’s infection-free, smelling nice, and is performing at it’s best.…]]> Listen, girl. You’ve got to treat that vagina like it’s a queen. Take special care of it to make sure it’s infection-free, smelling nice, and is performing at it’s best.

A word of caution, though, most feminine personal hygiene products  do more harm than good, due to harsh chemicals. What the vagina needs is basic care – not all those fancy products with difficult-to-pronounce ingredients.

A healthy mind and body do not stop at being sane and disease- free. Being healthy also means feeling great and comfortable all day long. One of the basic ways to ensure a fresh feeling every day is to maintain good personal hygiene.

Here are the top basic personal hygiene tips that every woman should learn and must religiously follow.


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The vagina has a natural discharge and oils. In reality, these are not bodily waste products and are, in fact, important in keeping the vagina protected against infections. Having these natural discharges is actually a natural process wherein the vagina self- cleanses its surfaces.

Excessive washing and using feminine wash and soap strips the protective barrier created by the discharges. Although it may feel comfortable having scented genitalia, it actually leaves you more prone to infections that will, later on, produce odor and discomfort.

To properly cleanse the external genitals, what you need is warm water and mild soap and remember to rinse the soap suds thoroughly. You also need to avoid cleaning the internal genitalia. Cleanse the vagina only when necessary such as after a comfort room trip.

Menstrual Care

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During menstruation, it is natural that a woman feels uncomfortable especially with the wet and potentially bad smell feeling. A lot of women do douche to clean even inside the vagina to really have that clean feel.

However, douching pushes bacteria and other menstrual debris back into the reproductive tract. This will ultimately lead to developing pelvic inflammatory disease, which is very painful.

What a woman must do during the red flag days is to cleanse the genitalia with warm water and mild soap just like on normal days. In choosing pads and tampons, it is best to choose unscented products to avoid exposing the genitalia to a lot of chemicals.

Odor Care

Every woman has a unique natural scent. This odor is healthy and naturally occurring in every woman’s body.

However, if you think you have an abnormally strong scent or that it smells fishy down south, then it is most likely that you are suffering from a genital infection like bacterial vaginosis. You must be checked by a doctor at once because only antibiotics can clear it up.

Underwear Tips

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The vagina is naturally moist because of its normal secretions. To make these secretions evaporate, wearing underwear that allows good airflow is a must.

It is important that air can flow to dissipate the collection of bacteria and fungi in the area which can cause vaginal infections.

Cotton underpants are highly recommended and so are those with cotton crotch linings. Do not wear wet bathing suits for a long period as well as leather pants, spandex, and other tight clothing.

When you are sweating a lot, such as after a workout, change clothes immediately including underpants.

Eating & Hygiene

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You may not know it but what you eat or drink also affects your feminine hygiene. Junk food and fried foods may make you feel happy but your internal body suffers and is damaged.

The detrimental effects are evident with genital discharges that smell not-too-pleasant. Fresh and healthy foods, and a lot of water,  however,  will help your discharge maintain its natural pH thus keeping everything balanced and smelling natural.

Gynaecologist Visits

Related imageDon’t visit your gynaecologist only when something is wrong. It is recommended that you pay a visit regularly even when you are not experiencing anything abnormal.

Gynecologists are the best people to learn from about feminine health and concerns. They can answer any of your questions and will even demonstrate how to properly care for your genitalia.

Regular visits will also ensure that you get screened for early detection of certain female conditions like cervical cancer, breast cancer, vaginal infections, menstrual irregularities, and more.

Take personal hygiene seriously to avoid unnecessary illnesses and to help make you feel good inside and out!

Photo Credit: ShutterStock | FreePik | Getty Images | Dreamstime

Hello Queen, How are You Doing? Let’s Talk about Mental Health Fri, 31 May 2019 04:35:52 +0000 As Mental Health Awareness Month draws to a close, I am writing this article to share some insightful tips on how to take care of your mental health, from my…]]> As Mental Health Awareness Month draws to a close, I am writing this article to share some insightful tips on how to take care of your mental health, from my perspective.

Adulting is tough! Sometimes I look back at my childhood days and wished that it never ended. Back then when I didn’t have to worry about life issues and all the drama. Back then all we were concerned about was when our favorite cartoons would be shown and TV and also, bedtime (lol).

Oh the good old days!

But now we are all grown up. We have to face the realities of life and sometimes, those realities can take a detrimental toll on our mental health.

Now let us take a look at what mental health is about:

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Having read different articles on mental health to better educate myself, I picked out some key areas I think may be important for young millennial women to be aware of:

  1. Comparison is a thief of our joy: The moment you come to the terms with the fact that everyone in the world has a unique destiny, you will stop comparing yourself to them.
  2. Be patient with yourself: Life is very unpredictable. Most times we want things to work out in our own way, at our own time. We have our life goals all laid out with timelines, and when things don’t go as planned, we get anxious and depressed. Let us exercise some patience Queens, remember that where there is life, there is hope.
  3. Always remind yourself that no one has it all together: We are sometimes fooled by the glitz and glamour we see especially on social media. People only post whatever they want us to see. Remember that.
  4. Appreciate where you are and what you have: An attitude of gratitude is good for our mental health. When we become grateful for what we have, we look at life in a positive light, and that can help us appreciate our lives and live in the present.
  5. Stay away from toxic people and environments: The effect of toxicity in our lives can be very catastrophic. Walk away from any relationship or situation that no longer serves you.
  6. Forgive yourself: We all have made mistakes in the past. Forgive yourself and move on.

You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Things I Wish We Were Taught in School Sat, 06 Apr 2019 19:57:59 +0000 Life itself is a school. We are all learning every day. This article is a deep reflection of my thoughts about life. When I see little children on their way…]]> Life itself is a school. We are all learning every day. This article is a deep reflection of my thoughts about life. When I see little children on their way to school, so excited because they cannot wait to join the morning assembly and join in to sing the nursery rhymes and national anthem, I smile and remember my young self.

In Nigeria, growing up we all had our dreams and aspirations. That is, until after graduation and life suddently hit us.

The rate of unemployment in Nigeria is quite alarming. If you get a chance to secure interviews, you are being asked for 5 or 10 years working experience. How is that possible for a fresh graduate?

I was doing some research recently, and came across profiles of different people who succesfully climbed up the career ladder. The common thing about them I noticed as  that they have made sacrifices for this success. These individuals had a great amount of resilience, focus, and tenacity when building their respective careers. They spent decades attaining great strides in their chosen industries, until they eventually found themselves.

Millennials today all want to be overnight superstars. Many of us want to “blow”(i.e attain quick success) which is not bad, but the sad part is that we are no longer interested in success stories or hard work. We are in the “get rich quick ” age, which can jeopardize our future, if we lack the right values to bring our dreams into fruition.

Here are a few baby steps I would recommend help you achieve greatness, which I am also practically exploring:

  1. Be ready to start small: Rome was not built in a day. Start from somewhere. If you want to be in the media industry, for instance, apply to media houses as an intern. Work hard and have a positive relationship with everyone you meet.
  2. Personal Development is key: Don’t get complacent. Get out of your comfort zone. Get out there and increase your knowledge, take an online course, go back to school if you can.
  3. Relationships are everything: Ask successful people how they achieved their success and you’ll hear words … No one accomplishes anything worthwhile on his or her own.  That is the fact, this is the time to yank that bad bitch attitude and embrace humility.
  4. Your life is uniquely different: It’s okay to check out what others are doing but their progress shouldn’t be a yardstick for measuring your success in life. No matter how slow, you think you are, trust me. You are not doing badly because it could have been worse.
  5. Patience is key: You may feel like giving up because you are tired. Please press on, Don’t give up. You are closer than ever to  your breakthrough. Forget social media lies, There is no such thing as an OVERNIGHT SUCCESS.

Photo Credit: Big Stock

Little Things in Life We Should Never Take for Granted Fri, 05 Apr 2019 05:41:53 +0000 TGIF Queens! Just popping in to remind you that no matter what situation you find yourself, don’t give up. Where there’s life, there’s hope. No condition is permanent. A number of…]]> TGIF Queens! Just popping in to remind you that no matter what situation you find yourself, don’t give up. Where there’s life, there’s hope. No condition is permanent.

A number of times, we look at our problems in life neglecting the everyday things that give us joy.

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Waking up: Simply waking up today means you have one thing to be thankful for.

Good Health: Being able to step outside to breathe in fresh air is a good reminder of how many little things we should be thankful for. Even if your health isn’t great, it could be worse and you likely still have some working parts to be thankful for. Right?

Your Parents: They may be annoying and seem like they just brought you into the world to stress you out and scream your name just so you can pass them the TV remote that’s right next to them! However, they gave you life; and life is worth so much. If you are an orphan, appreciate the fact that you have lovely family members and friends in your life.

Good Friends: The quality of friendships count more than the number of friends you have. So those two friends you love so much that have your back are enough reason to be grateful. You don’t need to have a million friends.

Ability to help: Being able to help others in need reminds us that we are all in need in one way or the other. Having the ability to help a person in need makes the world a better place.

Love: The world would be a very hostile place if we all lacked the ability to love. Be thankful for little pleasures like pets that welcome you when you open the door, that boo who goes out of his way to make you feel special, and most importantly – God’s love.

Having a home: Whether you live in a rented apartment, a mansion or a tent, having a place to call home is something to be thankful for.

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Weekends and holidays: There is something magical about weekends and holidays. They give you a reason to unwind and celebrate and that is something we should be thankful for.

Education: The opportunity to attend school and get a good education is something many people in the world don’t have.

Teachers: Whether it’s your grandmother teaching you to sew handkerchiefs or your plumber showing you how to prevent future problems, be grateful that others are willing to use their time and talents to teach you something new.

Your ability to read: If you ’re reading this right now, you have a lot to be thankful for.

Mistakes: If we never made mistakes, you wouldn’ t learn much.

Electricity: Electricity makes most of our chores efficient. Think of all the things you would be unable to do without power. Unimaginable, right?

Employment: Being employed means someone thought you were special enough to hire.

Laughter: Can you even start to imagine what the world would be like without laughter? The laughter of a baby or a loved one can be all you need to brighten up your day, you know?

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Food: Whether you’re making or eating it, good food is always something to be grateful for. Also, it is refreshing to not have to worry about where your next meal will come from.

Life: Without life, none of the above would possible. Where there is life, there is hope! So today, be hopeful because you are alive and everything is going to be alright.

Cheers, Queens!

Photo Credit: Getty Images

You Don’t Have to Be an Instagram Vendor to Participate in the Fashion Business Mon, 18 Mar 2019 05:46:27 +0000 Are you a fashion enthusiast? Do wish to become successful in the fashion industry? Are you feeling kinda intimidated by the vast amount of individuals monetizing the fashion business on Instagram…]]> Are you a fashion enthusiast? Do wish to become successful in the fashion industry? Are you feeling kinda intimidated by the vast amount of individuals monetizing the fashion business on Instagram and are not quite sure where you fit in?

Well we’ve got news for you! Girl, you can have a succesful career in the fashion industry without necessarily being an Instagram vendor.

I started my clothing line in my first year at University. Five years later, today, I can stay I have learnt a whole lot, and my ideas are evolving. I always wondered what do about by love for fashion.

After researching over time, I discovered that there are so many career opportunities for fashion lovers like me, who want to be in the business, but don’t necessarily see themselves going the Instagram vendor route, which is currently trending in Nigeria.

You don’t have to join the popular trend of selling shoes and bags on Instagram. Did you know you can actually secure the bag by monetizing your love for fashion in other ways?

Here are some attractive fashion career opportunities I discovered during my research:

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Fashion journalist 

You don’t necessarily have to a journalism graduate before you can become a fashion journalist. As long as you have a flair for writing, you can create a niche for yourself in the fashion industry. Thank God for social media, you can create a blog for yourself through your smartphone or computer and write about fashion.

If you frequently create good content, your audience will grow over time, to the point where you became a thought-leader about all things fashion. And soon, you can begin to monetize that influence.

In addition, you could freelance for existing fashion publications.

Fashion Stylist

Do you have a good sense of style? Do you have an effortless ability to combine different items of clothing in fashionable ways? Then you could actually start a career as a fashion stylist. You can begin by styling your friends and family members for  events and special occasions. Use them to build your portfolio, and then eventually; you can start pitching your services to celebrities and other public figures.

Fashion designer

A fashion designer is the brain behind the beautiful garments you see around. A fashion designer sketches the designs and brings the whole idea of the outfits to life.  You can be a designer when you have knowledge and skills in designing.

Marketing & PR

A Fashion Marketer and Public Relations professional sells the business and its products. This can include writing press releases, organizing shows, managing social media accounts and a host of other savvy media methods to help create a buzz about a fashion brand.

Fashion Retailer

Buying and selling ready-to-wear or bespoke clothing to a targeted audience. Some sell menswear, unisex, kids clothing, sportswear and so on. You may own a boutique or do personal selling.

Fashion Influencer

The era of social media has birthed the “influencer” culture.  With consistency and persistence, you will build followership and gain endorsements from bigger brands.

Other jobs in fashion to consider include: Merchandiser, Personal Shopper, Sales Representative, Store Manager, Perosnal Assistant, Fashion Illustrator, Tailor, etc.

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I hope that after reading my article, you have gained some business insights, and you are ready to launch a career in the fashion world.

I wish you success in your fashion career.

Feel free to share your progress on this journey! Happy to read 🙂

Photo Credit: satisfashionug

5 Things Every Woman Should Know in Her 20s Tue, 12 Mar 2019 05:19:29 +0000 The earlier we understand some basic facts about life the better for us. Think about it, when did you celebrate your previous birthday? Another birthday is here again or has…]]> The earlier we understand some basic facts about life the better for us. Think about it, when did you celebrate your previous birthday? Another birthday is here again or has probably passed and you are looking forward to celebrating another one.

Time waits for no one, you have to decide your future now.

I just had this epiphany and had to share with you guys. Here are 5 important things you should know in your 20s:

Know yourself
You might ask me, what’s there to know about myself – right? Well my dear, I’m still getting to know myself, it is a gradual process. Know who you are. What you stand for, your values, your temperament, your hobbies, and skills, then define who YOU are. 

It’s important to know who you are, and clearly articulate that to yourself, and stand proudly and confident in your individuality. If you do not do this, then chances are, you will let the world define who you are, which could lead to self-esteem issues.

If I give you a piece of paper, for instance, to write in one sentence about yourself, what would you write? Who would you say you are? Know yourself! 

Learn a skill
Don’t limit yourself to your formal education. Learn a skill and become a master at it. Practice makes perfect. Once you are confident in said skill, then find ways to monetize it. Secure that bag girl!

Avoid meaningless relationships
Any relationship that will not add value to your life, just cut it off. Whether it’s romantic relationships, friendships, or certain overly toxic family members. Don’t waste your precious time on people who have clearly shown that they are bound to sabotage your future in one way or another. 

Don’t be a people pleaser
No matter how nice you are, there will always be people who will not like you, and that is not your business. If you want to grow in life, you can’t continue to please everybody. 

Stay true to yourself
It’s okay to admire others but let it end there, don’t start imitating their lifestyle or wanting to be like them. Every woman is unique in her own way. Going back to my first point: Know yourself! List all the good things you like about yourself and start loving them.

Staying true to oneself can be difficult especially as most women in this era try so hard to follow the trend and impress the world. But take this from me:

  • You won’t die if your make up is not on fleek.

  • You can slay without wearing designers outfits.

  • Your hair will still look beautiful whether it’s natural or relaxed

  • If you don’t have the latest phone, it doesn’t make you less of a human being

Staying true to yourself means accepting who you are, living within your means and becoming the person version of yourself.

Can I get an Amen?

Photo Credit: thetruemetalmaniac

Amazing Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts Sat, 09 Mar 2019 05:53:14 +0000 In case you’ve been living under rock, let me be the first to tell you: Tiger nuts are extremely beneficial to one’s health. Popularly obtained from Northern Nigeria, they have…]]> In case you’ve been living under rock, let me be the first to tell you: Tiger nuts are extremely beneficial to one’s health.

Popularly obtained from Northern Nigeria, they have become a trendy healthy food and snack amongst people all over Nigeria.

Fun fact: Tiger nuts are not actually nuts, but rather, are edible tubers.

They’re roughly the size of a chickpea and wrinkly with a chewy texture and sweet nutty flavor.

Here are some health benefits of tiger nuts you should know:

Aids Digestion
Back in the day, tiger nuts were used to treat stomach upsets, irritable bowels, and other digestive issues. They are still used by indigineous/holistic doctors as a remedy for many illnesses like flatulence and diarrhea.

Controls Diabetes
The high insoluble dietary fiber present in tiger nut flour regulates blood sugar levels, thus helping diabetic individuals remain healthy.

Rich in Vitamins E & C
Recent studies suggest that tiger nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, E, potassium and phosphorus.

They are a rich source of protein
Protein is a vital nutrient used in the building of muscle, skin, and bone. Tiger nuts are in fact one the best, non-meat, sources of protein available.

Tiger nut milk can be used as cow milk substitute
Tiger nut milk contains no lactose but plenty of calcium, so it makes for a great alternative to cow’s milk, for people who are lactose intolerant or who are vegans/vegetarians.

MORE FUN FACTS states that:
Tiger nuts come from a plant known by its scientific name, Cyperus esculentus (Bamishaiye & Bamishaiye, 2011). Also known as nut grass or yellow nutsedge, this plant originated in Southern Europe but became naturalized in Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Archaeological evidence suggests that this nut has been cultivated for thousands of years, providing a critical component of the embalming process for Egyptian pharaohs (Bamishaiye & Bamishaiye, 2011).

Today, tiger nuts are widely produced in Africa and have incredible nutritional benefits. They can be eaten fresh, semi-dried, or fully dried. Additionally, tiger nut milk and tiger nut oil are often sold as forms of the nuts. Although tiger nuts were briefly popular in the 1950s and 1960s, they have only recently been rediscovered for their health properties. Now, they are poised to become the next big superfood.

Photo Credit:

Stressed Out? These Self Care Activities Will Ease Your Mind Mon, 04 Mar 2019 12:04:58 +0000 Hey Queens, I know that it can be really difficult to carve out some “me time” when you’ve got a busy schedule. But it absolutely must be done, because if…]]> Hey Queens, I know that it can be really difficult to carve out some “me time” when you’ve got a busy schedule. But it absolutely must be done, because if you’re working 24/7, you may eventually burn out. Here are some self-care activities you should try:

Spa day 
If you don’t know if there is an affordable spa within your vicinity, Google is your friend! Find out how much it costs and book an appointment. You can also find budget-friendly on DealDey.

Spoil yourself baby girl. you deserve it!

Image result for african american lady in the spa Go on a solo movie date or Netflix & Chill
You can binge-watch your favorite TV series and spend the whole day in bed enjoying yourself or visit a nearby cinema and watch the latest movies – whichever works best for you. And no, there’s nothing weird about watching a movie all by yourself. Remember, it’s all about you! Not about what anyone else thinks.

Image result for Young African American woman having breakfast in bed at home. Portrait of happy black girl smiling while watching movie on computer TVTake a nap
Sometimes, a nap is all the self care you need. A short, sweet nap can work wonders and give you a quick boost of energy and a refreshed mind.

Image result for african american lady taking a napGo shopping
I’m yet to meet a woman who doesn’t love new things. Ain’t nothing wrong with a little retail therapy. Just makes sure you set a budget for your shopping trip first, before you head out, so you don’t go overboard!

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Visit a new restaurant 
What is life without food? Try a new restaurant in your spare time. And if people give you weird looks because you are dining alone, just stare right back at them as you chew your tasty, delicious meal. It’s all about you girl, never mind what people think. Related image

Weekend getaway
You can pamper yourself by taking a trip to the next city, or by book a room at a nearby hotel and having a mini “stayation.” Enjoy peaceful serenity away from home and work.

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Listen to Music
Vibe to your favourite jam by yourself and dance, dance, dance! You get to enjoy all the tunes you love, while burning calories, so it’s a win-win situation.

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Photo Credit: Getty Images | Dreamstime

Would You Buy this Tiny Simon Porte Jacquemus Bag for $500? Mon, 04 Mar 2019 09:42:39 +0000 Fashionistas all over social media are currently in a frenzy over these fist-sized bags designed by Simon Porte Jacquemus from his Spring 2018 collection. It’s a bit astonishing that despite the fact…]]> Related image

Fashionistas all over social media are currently in a frenzy over these fist-sized bags designed by Simon Porte Jacquemus from his Spring 2018 collection. It’s a bit astonishing that despite the fact that these bags were released since last year, there has been a sudden rise in their popularity just recently.

The bag, which is just 3 inches tall, has been found on the arm of A-listers like Rihanna, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian amongst others.

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Image result for kim kardashian Jacquemus' Le Chiquito Bag

The Jacquemus’ Le Chiquito Bag is sold for $500which is equivalent to N180,000.

What are your thoughts about this new trend? Would you splurge on this?

For me, I love carrying big bags, I want to comfortably leave the house with all my accessories for the day intact: My phone chargers, headset, comb, makeup, power bank, etc. If I have to carry this Jacquemus’ Le Chiquito Bag at this price? hmmmmm(*rolls eyes*)… I reserve my comment.

Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Bananas to the Rescue! Why You Should be Including them in Your Skincare Regimen Tue, 19 Feb 2019 06:28:57 +0000 If you are on a budget, chances are you would not be too keen on spending lots of money on facials at the spa. Especially when you can try some…]]> If you are on a budget, chances are you would not be too keen on spending lots of money on facials at the spa. Especially when you can try some DIY treatments at home. Here are some banana-based face masks you should try!

Banana Face Mask

Bananas contain vitamins A, B, E, and tons of potassium, all of which work to naturally fight blemishes by evening out skin, moisturizing, and combatting free radicals. Bonus point for the fact that even banana peels are able to reduce dark spots from sun exposure,  whiten teeth, and can prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Banana & Honey

While the banana works to clear your skin, honey ensures it won’t dry out. Just mix one mashed banana with a tablespoon of honey, rub on your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse.

Banana & Lemon Juice

If you have oily skin, the boost of citric acid in lemon juice will really help to to cleanse and exfoliate skin. Mash a ripe banana with juice from half a lemon, rub on your face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes, and rinse.

Banana & Baking Soda

Combine the power of banana with baking soda, which is a natural deep cleanser  and oil remover. You only need to add about 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda to your mashed banana mask for it to work. Let the mask sit on your face for about ten minutes before rinsing.

Banana & Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is packed with antibacterial properties. Turmeric powder is a great addition to a banana mask and will knock out the bacteria causing pimples. Similar to baking soda, a little goes a long way and all you need is a 1/2 teaspoon into your face mask. Apply and leave the mask for ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing.

Banana & Coconut Oil

Combining these superfoods and slathering them on your face just makes sense. Coconut oil features lauric acid, which kills acne-causing bacteria. Melt down a tablespoon of coconut oil (you can do this on the stove or in the microwave) and stir it into a mashed room- temperature banana. Apply to your face, leave for up to half an hour, and rinse.
