Did you forget to use a condom with someone you know is HIV Positive or perhaps the condom broke? Or have just experienced sexual assault? Shared a needle or any sharp instrument with someone who you know is HIV-positive or whose status you don’t know?

If you think that you may have been exposed to HIV in any way, then the time to act is right right now with PEP.

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a medication regimen that you should take if you believe you have just been exposed to HIV. The sooner someone starts PEP the better. It is most effective when started within 24 hours, but it must be started within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV.

So, if you think there is a possibility that you’ve been exposed, here’s what you should know, and what you should do, ASAP to protect yourself.

How to Get PEP after Exposure

First things first, PEP is not a morning afterpill! It should only be used in emergency circumstances. These include instances like sexual assault, exposure to dirty needles, or a failed method of protection like a broken condom. In the event of an emergency, you can get PEP from a number of places including your primary health care provider’s office, urgent care clinics, or local HIV clinics. The important thing is that you get access to the medication as quickly as possible.

Does PEP Work?

PEP is a highly effective medication when used within the 72 hour timeframe; however, the efficacy is not 100% guaranteed. The sooner you get access to PEP the better. If your doctor prescribes PEP as an option for you, you’ll be on the medication for 28 days. During this time, you’ll need to continue protecting yourself and others by using condoms with your partners.

Expected side effects

PEP drugs are usually well tolerated. Common side effects include headaches, nausea and fatigue. Most common side effects disappear within a few days but in cases of severe side effects, consult your doctor.


Remember: if you are sexually active, always take the proper precautions to protect yourself and get regularly tested. PEP is a pretty serious medical process that requires a doctor’s supervision.  It’s not something you can regularly pick up at the drug store and take after unprotected sex whenever you choose to.

Visit getpep.info for more information

Photo Credit: Youtube